7dtdMapFileAnalyzer - A Utility to analyze and compare the number of POIs in your map(s). - Latest version: 7dtdMapFileAnalyzer_v1.4 (2021-12-22) - By Phoenix125 | http://www.Phoenix125.com | http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs | kim@kim125.com ----- FEATURES ----- - Creates a summary file with number of popular POIs for all yoru Generated Worlds. - Automatically imports World Gen Name, Seed Name, Map Size, and POI info. - Fully customizable POI type and search parameters. - Scans GeneratedWorlds folder recursively. - Creates a summary .csv file of all your worlds - Creates a separate text file with detailed POI info for each world. ----- INSTRUCTIONS ----- - Run 7dtdMapFileAnalyzer.exe - To Import data from your GeneratedWorlds FOLDER: Select "Folder" in Main window. (All recursive folders will be scanned for prefabs.xml and map_info.xml (for map size)) - To import data from a SINGLE prefabs.xml file: Select "File" in Main window. Manually enter "Seed Name" and "Map Size" (Used for labeling purposes only: has no effect on outcome) - Select the Output folder, filename for CSV and TXT files. - Click "START" Done! Your files will be available in the output folder selected. (OPTIONAL) To change the POI types and search parameters for each type: - Click POI Config in the left column. - Modify the config settings to match your preferred POI types and search parameters. - Click "Save" - Return to Main screen, make preferred changes, and click "Start" Thank you! ----- DOWNLOAD LINKS ----- Direct Download Link: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer.zip Source Code (AutoIT): https://github.com/phoenix125/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer GitHub: https://github.com/phoenix125/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer Website: http://www.Phoenix125.com Discord: http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs Forum: https://phoenix125.createaforum.com/index.php ----- VERSION HISTORY ----- (2021-12-22) v1.4 A20 Compatible - Added: A20 compatible - Misc: Improved look of information window (2020-08-06) v1.3 - Added: World Gen Seed Name Import for A19 - Added: Option to delete or append to output CSV file - Added: Option to open output CSV file when complete. (2020-06-29) v1.2 - Updated default search criteria to match Alpha 19 (2019-03-03) v1.1 - Added Graphical Interface - Recursive directory scan - Update check (2019-03-01) v1.0.0 Initial release - Fully customizable. - Creates two files: 1. A .txt file for quick easy analysis 2. A .csv file for importing into your favorite Office program. - It can automatically add each test run to the .csv file for direct comparison and easy importing.