SteamServerQuery - A small Windows commandline utility that outputs Steam game server query request data to screen, CSV, or text file. - Latest version: SteamServerQuery_v1.4 (2020-08-11) - By Phoenix125 | | | ----- FEATURES ----- - Run via command line - Gets the response of a Steam Game Server Query. - Data aquired includes: number of online players, max players, server name, map name, and more. - Outputs the data to any of the following: - CSV with or without labels - Text File with or without labels - Command line output with or without labels ----- INSTRUCTIONS ----- - Run in Command Prompt Use: SteamServerQuery {options} IP:port or: SteamServerQuery {options} URL:port -h = Displays this help text -pw = Print output to commandline with labels -po = Print output to commandline WITHOUT labels -tw = Write output to txt file with labels to [E:\\SteamServerQueryLabel.txt] -to = Write output to txt file WITHOUT labels to [E:\\SteamServerQueryNOLabel.txt] -cw = Write output to csv file with Labels to [E:\\SteamServerQueryLabel.csv] -co = Write output to csv file WITHOUT labels to [E:\\SteamServerQueryNOLabel.csv] Example 1: SteamServerQuery -pw -co Example 2: SteamServerQuery -to NOTICE! For many servers, use Query Port +1 Ex: If query port is 30000, use 30001 Thank you. Visit for updates and/or more programs. - NOTICE! For many servers, use the server's assigned query port +1 Ex: If your server's query port is 30000, use 30001 ----- OUTPUT ----- Creates a simple CSV file containing the entire response from a Steam query request. - Note: Output from servers vary depending on server. Many fields will be blank. - Visit for details of reponse. ========================== Sample Output with Labels ========================== Raw,0xFFFFFFFF49115078313235205465737420536572766572000045475300456D707972696F6E202D2047616C616374696320537572766976616C00000000080064770000333433343131323000B14E7500140667CD3A4001303B313B300090D8050000000000 Name,Px125 Test Server Map, Folder,EGS Game,Empyrion - Galactic Survival ID,0 Players,0 Max Players,8 Bots,0 Server Type,d Environment,w Visibility,0 VAC,0 Version,34341120 Extra Data Field,Nu~��g�:@�0;1;0~���~~~~~ Note,In the Extra Data Field only: all hex characters [nul] 0x00 replaced with [~] 0x7E Comment,Thank you. Visit for updates and/or more programs. ================================= Thank you! ----- DOWNLOAD LINKS ----- Direct Download Link: Source Code (AutoIT): GitHub: Website: Discord: Forum: ----- VERSION HISTORY ----- (2020-08-11) v1.4 Fixed Error - Fixed: Line 2667 error (Thanks to Linebeck for reporting) (2020-07-08) v1.3 Added many more options - Added: URL or IP can now be used. - Added: Help information added. - Added: Optional output data to TXT CSV and commandline, with or without header data. - Fixed: Several minor bug fixes. (2020-06-30) v1.2 Bugfix - Fixed: The online/max player counts and gameID were not properly being converted to decimal. (2020-06-28) v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed: When the Pipe symbol | is in title, it would cause an error. (2020-06-28) v1.0 Initial release